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LinkedIn Posts: Are We Practicing What We Preach?


If you open LinkedIn, you’ll see tons of posts right now. Some people share their experiences, while others post problems in their industry written by ChatGPT. Most people's aim is not to convey a message or inform but to see how many likes they get and who views their profile. Of course, it's not fair to generalize and say everyone is like this.

LinkedIn posts always start like this: "Dear friends, why are you doing this?" First, there’s criticism, then a warning saying "this is wrong," and finally a lesson on "how we should do it." But how many people actually apply the advice they give?

A perfect example is a post I saw recently. Someone addressed industry professionals in the post and wrote a long paragraph saying, “Please respond to emails. Please don't ghost; ghosting is very bad." At the end, there was a note saying, "respond to emails, and let's work together." Everything was fine up to this point because this topic could easily be a blog post longer than a page. Ghosting is one of the most significant issues in the industry. But how will things progress if you ghost others and others ghost you?

This person shared this post, and there was no problem. But later, I found out that many people had emailed them, and they had yet to respond to four of them. This is where you get stuck. So, what was the purpose of that long LinkedIn post? Naturally, everyone is curious.

We will all grow in the industry, don't worry. Please, let's put aside our desires to show off and our long posts, and if we strive for the industry we work in, we will achieve great things. I know this is a dream, but it was nice to write about it!

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